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  • Ertha June AMA Summary
  • Question 1: When will Ertha start large-scale marketing campaigns?
  • Question 2: Have you negotiated with Bybit exchange to remove the ST flag?
  • Question 3 & 4: How is the development of 0.8-.09 all way to 1.0 going to be placed in this year? It took one year to progress from 0.6 to 0.7, are next updates going to be rolled way more faster or was the whole year development made just for this current update?
  • Question 5: Why don't you guys do detailed guides on how new features work? Many people are lost both in-game and in the website
  • Question 6: Will the team buy back Ertha tokens from the exchanges?
  • Question 7: When will we have a compelling game version to attract players without hex?
  • Question 8: If I develop an HEX (explore and research) in X country but that country doesn't open up until 1 year after v1 is launched, I'll be kinda wasting my time exploring and researching that HEX?
  • Question 9: What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market?
  • Question 10: What is the minimum audience of players you expect for the game economy to work?
  • Question 11: Have you done any stress testing to the game?
  • Question 12: The next version seems to be an online version, right? I heard from Linas that the multiplayer mode will be released after 0.7.
Ertha Community AMA
Ertha Community AMA - Image by Ertha Team

Ertha June AMA Summary

In case you’ve missed our most recent AMA that was held on June 25th, here’s a summary of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

Make sure to join our main Telegram chat (t.me/erthium) and tune in to the next AMA, planned for the end of July!

Question 1: When will Ertha start large-scale marketing campaigns?

Marketing is always being done. We are constantly partnering with various projects, doing competitions and giveaways, Three Towers Twitter spaces for exposure and so on.

We have a marketing team that constantly evaluates the cost-benefit of various user acquisition and exposure campaigns and work on those accordingly. It’s a constant process. In these market conditions and especially with the current low traction for web3 gaming, finding cost effective ways to do large scale marketing campaigns is very difficult.

That being said, Ertha v1.0, which is a playable version of the game, will receive the most exposure no matter what.

Question 2: Have you negotiated with Bybit exchange to remove the ST flag?

There's no issue here, standard process. Bybit takes about 2 weeks for ST to remove, it was just unfortunate miscommunication with them about market making stats, which are already corrected. It has no correlation to the price. We are not going to be delisted, and continuous fud around that will be treated accordingly.

Question 3 & 4: How is the development of 0.8-.09 all way to 1.0 going to be placed in this year? It took one year to progress from 0.6 to 0.7, are next updates going to be rolled way more faster or was the whole year development made just for this current update?

Our current goal is to finish work on game backend mechanics to support all features, actions, transactions that will happen in the game economy throughout our ecosystem. It is a big work being done that is not visual, but it's the core system that will support any visual aesthetics we add-on later.

To create v0.7 we had to lay out all the groundwork that will be used for v0.8 up to v1.0, so it took some time to get it done. It includes a very important 'contracts' mechanics that is the basis of all actions in Ertha world. 

For example, when you interact with a HEX to explore or research it, it creates a contract that knows the time, price and result the hex will get. The same logic of contracts will be used when buildings will be placed on a hex, when players do actions such as 'work', 'train', 'study', when a player buys something from another player, and etc. These mechanics make sure that actions in our economy are secure from any third party manipulation.

We predict that all the other backend additions, which will allow live and real time economy in game will be easier to develop when this contracts groundwork is done, so answering your question - I think we should have the economy (v1.0) working at the end of this year.

Question 5: Why don't you guys do detailed guides on how new features work? Many people are lost both in-game and in the website

Guides or leaks about new features are always put out in the form of dev blogs, articles or videos.

However, those who have played strategic/MMORPG games before understand that most guides about mechanics and strategy are done by the community.

Popular games have wiki pages 10000+ pages long. Now I’m not saying this is where we should be at right now, but people need to understand that we aren’t going to put every piece of information about the game infront of you.

This is the fundamental part about gaming - exploring the game by yourself and likeminded individuals and learning to play.

Since 2021 AMA’s, Linas and the team has talked about how Ertha is a complicated game and that’s how it’s going to be.

If people cannot figure out how to click a few buttons to explore and research their land - do you really think they’ll have an easy time managing their own business?

Question 6: Will the team buy back Ertha tokens from the exchanges?

Ertha Tokens will be “bought back” through in-game mechanics.

All tokens that go into land development, NPC workers or other things, go into the game treasury and are not sold on exchanges.

Question 7: When will we have a compelling game version to attract players without hex?

We are constantly moving towards a game loop that will allow a playable economy. With the release of it there will be a version of a game which can attract players without hex's.

Question 8: If I develop an HEX (explore and research) in X country but that country doesn't open up until 1 year after v1 is launched, I'll be kinda wasting my time exploring and researching that HEX?

We will open all countries which have hex'es to players. You shouldn't feel that the time will be wasted. City hexes are the ones that will attract players to spend time on them, however mining ones (that will produce the most resources) will be remote ones from the cities. Exploring and researching those hexes can open up valuable resources for the economy.

Question 9: What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market?

The fact that we’ve been here for a long time already, survived the lows of the bear market and have gained valuable experience during this time.

I have also not seen a direct competitor to Ertha Metaverse. The concept of the game is still unique.

Question 10: What is the minimum audience of players you expect for the game economy to work?

We are aiming to have a simple economy loop that can work with even just a few hundred active players. The fact is that the player base will first be concentrating in the most popular cities/countries.

However for the concept of Ertha to flourish, a few thousand would be a good start.

Question 11: Have you done any stress testing to the game?

Actually yes, when Ertha Beta v0.1 came out, we had thousands of players trying to register and it crashed the servers. Since then, we’ve made sure our servers are capable to support thousands of players, even at once.

Question 12: The next version seems to be an online version, right? I heard from Linas that the multiplayer mode will be released after 0.7.

Ertha is already multiplayer, any changes you make on your HEX, other players will see and be able to interact with.

If you're talking about seeing other characters in first person like in counter strike, that functionality is currently completely not important and will not be focused on until after Ertha v1.0

Jobs and companies will already be multiplayer enough.