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  • Ertha Beta V.07 is Here! Dive Into New Features and Enhanced Gameplay
  • Enhanced Exploration
  • Full List of Changes in Ertha Beta V.07:
  • Known Issues:
  • Summary
Ertha V0.7 is Live - Image by Ertha Team
Ertha V0.7 is Live - Image by Ertha Team

Ertha Beta V.07 is Here! Dive Into New Features and Enhanced Gameplay

The wait is over—Ertha Beta V.07 has arrived and is ready for testing!

Prepare to dive into a wealth of new features and enhanced gameplay that will make your Ertha experience more immersive and thrilling. This update introduces several improvements designed to elevate your adventure in Ertha. Here's what you can look forward to:

Enhanced Exploration

  • Discover Deeper: Explore what lies beneath your HEX plots with new exploration mechanics.
  • New Resources: Uncover rare and valuable resources to boost your gameplay.
  • Improved UI/UX: Navigate through Ertha with an updated, more intuitive interface.
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Enhancements: Enjoy a smoother and more stable gaming experience.

Full List of Changes in Ertha Beta V.07:

  • Resource Exploration & Research:

  • Explore unknown resources on hexes using an Exploration Permit. This adds a new layer of strategy as players must decide when and where to use their permits.
  • Permits have a limited number of days; consuming these days initiates exploration. This introduces a time-based mechanic, adding anticipation and planning to the exploration process.
  • After selecting 'Explore,' wait for the required number of days for the exploration to complete. The waiting period builds suspense and provides a sense of progression.
  • Once exploration is finished, claim your newly explored resource. This reward system encourages players to continuously engage in exploration.
  • Further investigate known resources using a Research Permit. This allows players to refine their findings, gaining more detailed and valuable information.
  • Permits are measured in hours and used to refine resources into more specific types. This provides a short-term, focused activity that can yield high rewards.
  • Initiate research and wait for the specified hours to uncover detailed resource information. Like exploration, this introduces a time element to resource refinement.
  • Use Ertha Tokens to speed up exploration and research processes. This feature offers players the option to progress faster, adding a strategic use of in-game currency.
  • Complete tasks immediately without waiting for the allotted time. This instant gratification option can be crucial for players looking to quickly advance.
  • These features add a strategic layer to resource management, offering players options to expedite their progress through in-game currency.

  • Utility API Communications Client Added: Enhances the game's backend communications, ensuring smoother interactions and data exchanges.
  • Hexagon Rendering Logic Updated: Improves the visual representation of hexagons, making the game visually clearer and more engaging.
  • Game Configuration Switched to New APIs: Ensures better performance and reliability by integrating more advanced APIs.
  • Contract Acceptance Functionality Added: Introduces new ways for players to engage with contracts, adding another layer of gameplay.
  • New UI to Support Research/Upgrade of Resources: Simplifies the process of upgrading and researching resources, making it more accessible and intuitive.
  • Bug Reporting System Updated to Send Reports to Slack: Streamlines bug reporting, allowing for quicker response and resolution times.
  • Cell Attribute Synchronization Updated: Ensures that cell attributes are accurately reflected in real-time, maintaining game consistency.
  • Automatic Contract Change Monitoring Added: Keeps track of contract changes automatically, reducing manual oversight.
  • Resource Storage/Parsing Changed: Improves how resources are handled in the game, enhancing overall performance and efficiency.
  • Fixed Issue with Hex Not Loading Image/Info: Addresses a critical bug, ensuring that hex information and images load correctly.
  • Permit Selection and Info UI Added: Provides a clear interface for selecting and managing permits, improving usability.
  • Fixed Issue with Large Sums of Tokens Crashing the Game: Resolves a major issue, ensuring stability when handling large amounts of in-game currency.
  • Hex Popup Refactored: Enhances the functionality and appearance of hex popups, making them more informative and user-friendly.
  • Debounce Logic Added to Prevent Server Call Spam: Optimizes server interactions, preventing excessive calls and improving performance.
  • Resource Images Loading Updated: Ensures resource images load correctly and quickly, enhancing visual consistency.
  • Fixed Issue with Old Cell Image Visible on New Selection: Corrects a visual bug, ensuring that cell images update correctly.
  • “In Progress” Resource Logic/UI Added: Introduces a new system for managing ongoing resource tasks, providing real-time updates and progress tracking.
  • Hexagon Name Input Field Disabled for Modifications: Prevents unintended changes to hexagon names, maintaining consistency.
  • Default Quality and Camera Profile Settings Updated: Improves the default visual settings, ensuring a better out-of-the-box experience.
  • Default Resources Values Added: Sets baseline values for resources, providing a clearer starting point for players.
  • Fixed Side Hex Count: Corrects an issue with hex counts, ensuring accurate game mechanics.
  • Hexagon Type Detection Logic Updated: Improves how hex types are identified and displayed, enhancing gameplay clarity.
  • Resource Icons Updated to New Types: Refreshes resource icons, making them more distinctive and easier to identify.
  • Live Progress Bar for Ongoing Exploration/Research Added: Provides real-time feedback on exploration and research tasks, enhancing player engagement.
  • Small Performance Improvements: General enhancements that improve game speed and responsiveness.
  • Loading Indicator Added to HEX UI: Gives visual feedback during loading, improving user experience.
  • User Inventory Data Parsing Issue Fixed: Ensures accurate representation of inventory data, preventing errors.
  • Owned Cell Clicking Now Focuses on That Cell Instead of Entering: Changes interaction behavior to improve navigation.
  • Boost Explore/Research UI Created: Introduces a new interface for boosting exploration and research, making it more accessible.
  • Automatic Setting of Config Through Build Pipeline Added: Streamlines the configuration process during builds, improving efficiency.
  • Build Script for Config Environment and Project Updated: Enhances the build process, ensuring smoother updates and deployments.
  • Fixed Female Model Not Loading: Resolves an issue with character models, ensuring visual consistency.

Known Issues:

  • The first-person camera in HEXs has been disabled until a camera hotfix is live.


Ertha Beta V.07 brings a host of new features and enhancements, making gameplay more immersive and strategic. From deeper exploration and new resources to improved UI/UX and various bug fixes, this update ensures a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Players can now strategically manage resources, expedite progress with Ertha Tokens, and navigate the game more intuitively. Dive into Ertha Beta V.07 and explore all the exciting updates!